The Canadian Hemophilia Society - BC Chapter strives to improve the quality of
life for people with Hemophilia, Von Willebrand Disease, rare factor deficiencies and inherited platelet disorders through support, services, research, education and advocacy.
Click to view the Canadian Hemophilia Society's Strategic Plan
- « Assure that all persons with hemophilia have ready and equal access to the highest possible level of care.
- « Assure that the hemophilia community is made aware of issues that affect every aspect of hemophilia and that the general public be informed on matters deemed appropriate.
- « Initiate and promote research that will continue to improve care and result in a cure for hemophilia.
- « Encourage peer support and social interaction amongst the hemophilia community.
- « Assist persons with hemophilia in being aware of their rights and ensure that no discrimination occurs.
- « Assist persons with hemophilia living in developing countries to improve their quality of care.
Tree Planting Ceremony to Commemorate the Victims of the Tainted Blood Tragedy
October 27, 2009 - St. Paul's Hospital, Vanouver
The Canadian Hemophilia Society in conjunction with Canadian Blood Services and Providence Heath Care
a tree planting ceremony commemorating the thousands of victims of the tainted blood tragedy. The tree is to
pay tribute to those that are suffering and have lost their lives during this tragic piece of Canadian history and
to celebrate the changes that have made our blood system one of the safest in the world.