Canadian Hemophilia Society
Help Stop the Bleeding
British Columbia Chapter
Camp Ivy | Camp Zajac | Medic Alert ID | Youth Activity Fund | Patient Care Grant Fund | Travel to Clinic
| New Driver Training | Reimbursement Proces/Terms
Education Bursary Fund 2025/26

The British Columbia Chapter of the Canadian Hemophilia Society is pleased to offer an Education Bursary Fund for individuals with hemophilia/inherited bleeding disorder. The fund was established in 1995 and has been successfully utilized by many students.
As of July 1, 2023, this fund is capped at maximum $14,000/year.
If you are interested in applying for this bursary, please read the information below to determine whether you are eligible to apply. If so, please complete and mail the application form to the BC Chapter by the indicated deadline.

Who can apply?
Any person diagnosed with hemophilia/ inherited bleeding disorder who is a resident of BC and is a current member of the BC Hemophilia Society. See TERMS below.
What can the bursary be used for?
The bursary can be used for educational purposes. Examples include upgrading and career preparation, vocational training, college, university or any other career-based education available at an accredited, post secondary institution.
What is the amount of the bursary?
The amount awarded can vary each year and is dependant on the number of eligible applicants. The bursary will never exceed the cost of the individual's tuition fees and is capped at a maximum $1,750 per person per year. Living & travel expenses or the cost of books are not covered through this bursary. Applicants are currently eligible for six years of funding.

Application Deadline: Applications must be post marked by no later than June 30th, 2025. Late applications will not be accepted.

How and when will I receive my bursary?

Step 1:
Submit completed application form by the indicated deadline.

Step 2:
Your application will be reviewed to determine whether you meet the eligibility criteria.

Step 3:
If your application is accepted, you will be notified by email.

Step 4:
You will need to submit your official receipts for the cost of your tuition by February 15th, 2026.

Step 5:
The BC Chapter will mail a cheque to you for the eligible amount.

Camp I-VY

Held in Washington State each summer for children with hemophilia and their families.
The camp is both fun and educational, offering a variety of activities for kids and workshops for parents. For additional information about the camp and/or to obtain a registration form, please call Cheryl Brower at 1-800-552-0640.

Duration: 5 days
Current cost of registration: $50 USD/camper
Child(ren) with hemophilia whose parent is a current member of the BC Hemophilia Society.
Siblings and parents are welcome and the BC Chapter will sponsor up to a maximum of 4 persons/family. See TERMS below
Amount of funding

The BC Chapter will reimburse $50/person to a maximum of 4 persons/family
*applicants must submit receipt before receiving reimbursement
Camp Zajac - 2025 under review

Available for children ages 7-17.
4 days & 3 nights
Previous camp fee per child: $730

Child(ren) with hemophilia/inherited bleeding disorder, whose parent is a current member of the BC Hemophilia Society. See TERMS below.
Sibling(s) of child with hemophilia/inherited bleeding disorder may also be eligible for funding.

The BC Chapter will sponsor up to a maximum 30 campers. Applicants who have never attended camp will be given priority and funding will be allotted on first come first served basis.

Amount of funding for 2019
The BC Chapter will reimburse $530/child - ($200/camper to be paid by family)

Complete Camp Zajac Application
- enrolment is administered and approved by camp
- application form is available online at

Complete Chapter Funding Application
- eligibility for funding is determined by the BC Chapter
- application form is available for downloading under "Forms"

Mail completed Chapter Funding Application & Co-pay amount to the BC Chaper by TBD.
- Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

- Cheque or money order for $200/camper to be made out to CHS BC Chapter.
- We are unable to accept credit cards or cash and please DO NOT send the $200 co-pay to Zajac.

Medic Alert ID Fund
This funding is available as a one time reimbursement only for a person with hemophilia/inherited bleeding disorder who is or who's parent is a current member of the BC Hemophilia Society. See TERMS below.
Amount of funding as of July 1, 2023
The BC Chapter will reimburse the cost of a basic stainless steel bracelet up to maximum $100/person
*applicants must submit receipt before receiving reimbursement
Youth Activity/Activity Fund
This fund was established January 18, 2006 to support safe and healthy physical activity for children & adults with hemophilia/inherited bleeding disorder and to help their parents/individuals offset the cost of their enrollment in various sporting activities. As of July 1, 2023, this fund is capped at maximum $7,500/year.
Child(ren) & Youth/Adults with hemophilia/inherited bleeding disorder, between the ages of 0-18/adult, whose parent is/who is a current member of the BC Hemophilia Society. See TERMS below.
Amount of funding as of July 1, 2023
The BC Chapter will reimburse maximum $500 per child/individual per year
*applicants must submit receipt before receiving reimbursement

Patient Care Grant Fund
The purpose of this hardship fund is to address the needs of persons with hemophilia/inherited bleeding disorder currently facing financial difficulties who need assistance with paying for the cost of medically necessary items (as verified in writing by a physician). Applicants are expected to utilize and exhaust all other means of funding available to cover the cost of the item through their medical insurance, extended health care plans, etc. As of July 1, 2023, this fund is capped at maximum $5,250/year.
Applicants must be a current member of the BC Hemophilia Society and be diagnosed with hemophilia/ inherited bleeding disorder. See TERMS below.
Amount of funding as of July 1, 2023
The BC Chapter will reimburse maximum $750/person/year
*applicants must submit receipt before receiving reimbursement

Travel to Clinic Fund
The purpose of this fund is to assist an eligible person or a family (for families having more than 1 eligible person), who need to travel a distance greater than 100 kms (200 kms roundtrip), to attend their scheduled Hemophilia Clinic or Outreach Clinic appointment. Emergency visits, GP or specialist visits and initial appointment with the Clinic to determine if you have an inherited bleeding disorder/hemophilia, etc. do not qualify under this funding.
Applicants must be a current member of the BC Hemophilia Society and be diagnosed with hemophilia/ inherited bleeding disorder. See TERMS below.
Amount of funding as of July 1, 2023
The BC Chapter will reimburse:
  • TRIP:
    $0.68/km round trip in excess of 100 km each way up to
    Maximum $350/clinic visit to maximum 2 clinic visits ($700) per calendar year

    Reimbursable amount can be applied to alternate travel modes such as bus, airplane or ferry but cannot exceed the automobile reimbursement limitations.
    $200 for one night only per clinic visit for commercial accommodation up to
    Maximum two clinic visits ($400) per calendar year
    *applicants must submit original receipt before receiving reimbursement

New Driver's Training
This fund was created by the BC Chapter because the Chapter recognizes that one of the leading causes of death or serious injury among young persons relates to new drivers involved in vehicle collisions. Persons with hemophilia in such a collision would especially be susceptible to addtional complications and serious injury. The BC Chapter believes that professional driver education and training will increase the defensive driving capabilities for those new drivers with hemophila and assist to potentially lower collision rates and thus, lower their exposure to any serious injury from collision.

Applicants must meet all the following criteria:
1. Current member (or child of a member) of the CHS BC Chapter
2. Resident of BC
3. Canadian Citizen or Landed Immigrant
4. Diagnosed with Hemophilia
5. Registered with the BC Hemophilia Clinic
6. New driver that has never possessed a valid driver's licence either in BC or any other jurisdiction and
7. In possession of a current BC Lerner's (Class 7L) Driver's License

Amount of funding as of July 1, 2023
The BC Chapter will reimburse a one time driver training costs to a maximum $1,500 paid to an "ICBC Approved Driver Education Course" (listed on ICBC website) as part of the Graduated Licensing Program.
*applicants must submit receipt before receiving reimbursement


If you have applied for funding for the PCGF, Travel to Clinic, Medic Alert ID, Camp I-Vy, New Driver Training or Activity Funds, please take note of the reimbursement process outlined below:

1: You will need to submit your completed application form, eligible original receipts and supporting documents to the BC Chapter by no later than 31 days (post marked by Jan 31) following the end of the calendar year in which you incurred the claimed expense.

Exception: Camp and the Education Bursary Fund programs require applications & original receipts to be submitted by their specified deadline.

2: Your application, receipts and documents will be reviewed by the Board of Directors at their next scheduled Board Meeting to determine eligibility.

3: If your documents are approved, you will be mailed a cheque from the BC Chapter for the eligible amount.

4. We are not able to accept pictures of applications, supporting documents or receipts nor applications that are electronically signed. Please mail all origianl paperwork to the BC Chapter's mailing address indicated on the form.

Please note

* The BC Chapter does not send periodic progress reports on the status of applications. However, applicants are welcome to contact the Chapter if an update is desired.

* The Board of Directors do not meet during the summer and winter holiday months and therefore, any applications for funding requests will be reviewed at the first scheduled meetings after the hiatus (September & January). If this delay presents a financial hardship for you, please contact the BC Chapter and all efforts will be made to hasten the process if possible.

For questions or additional information, contact the BC Chapter.


In order to be eligible for any Chapter Funding, applicants must have been approved for membership to the BC Hemophilia Society for min 3 months and must provide a letter from family doctor or hematologist indicating specific bleeding disorder diagnosis.
When applying for funding, your membership application and one time verification of diagnosis letter must have been received and approved by the BC Chapter Directors prior to your request for funding.

Please be aware that all chapter programs are subject to availability of funding. Applicants must meet all qualifying criteria in order to be eligible to receive funding. For additional details or questions, please refer to the BC Chapter Funding Application Form (see FORMS) or contact the BC Chapter.